Monday, February 23, 2009

You break just like a little girl

Today sucked. Oh, I forgot, it's Monday. No wonder. Well, a few things didn't. I got my foot practically slaughtered standing up for Bob Dylan's balls. No—Not Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan's balls. Long story short... someone remarked something about it, and I kicked them from under the table and a metal stick that came out of absolutely no where cut my leg about half an inch deep. I expect a huge purple bruise tomorrow and a foot I won't be able to walk on. Great. My Bob Dylan hoodie still hasn't come in yet and I'm starting to get pissed off. It was the first thing I ordered off the internet, and everything else I ordered I've already received. It better be here tomorrow or is going to have a very strongly worded letter. Waiting is overrated.

Now for the positives! Kym sent out Lauren and I's early birthday present gifts, and that's another thing I have to look forward to this week, so thank you Kym, I need all the happiness I can get this week, haha. Nicole is giving me her MP3 player until I can get a new one. Now I have to love her forever. haha. You know how long I can go without listening to a Bob Dylan song? Five minutes. Seriously. I'm either singing a song, humming a song, or saying lyrics of his. Right now I'm having a huge pointless debate deciding on my favorite Bob Dylan song. It's deffinatley between Moonshiner and Just Like A Woman. His voice is everything I dream about. I mean it's fanominal. Anyway! Before I get carried away, haha, I was told that I'm supposedly a "Very, very deep caring person," today. Some asshole decided that he was going to punch one of my friends and knocked the breath out of him, and thought it was funny. All the fucker could spit out was "Oh I'm sorry Man," and I felt sorry for him so I kept asking if he was okay while cussing that fucker out. And then a seventh grader decided to tell me "Woah you must be a very, very deep caring person" and I busted out laughing. That's just me.

Well, sorry you wasted 7 minutes of your life to listen to my pointless rant. haha.

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