Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Knockin' on Heaven's Door

Do you know how awesome it is to have Bob Dylan's version of 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door' stuck in your head all day? I think it's incredible. It makes me want a God in my life. Anyway, today was pretty cool. I just really feel like blogging today. Well, staling from my James Madison report I guess. My mom asked me the question I knew was coming... when she feels she's too 'old', and needs to stay 'connected' to everyone. Facebook was her solution to that problem. I'm 13 years old, and I get to say "My mom has a Facebook." Wonderful. I feel so old. I'm getting really impatient for my new clothes I ordered the other day to come in... they are incredible! Well, at least in my opinion, haha. I got a Bob Dylan hoodie and shirt, as well as 2 Star Wars shirts. Here they are... everytime I glace at them time goes by slower.
I can not even begin to explain to your how sick I am of wearing the color black—But yes, I made that sacrifice for these Star Wars shirts and Hoodies. For Bob Dylan and Obi-Wan Kenobi. haha.

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